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Clubmoor Nursery


Our Ethos

Here at Clubmoor Nursery we strongly believe that every child deserves the best possible start in life. We recognise the importance of early experiences and the impact they have on children in later life. We recognise that each child is unique and each child has their own individual needs and aim to meet these in the best way we can. In partnership with you, we aim to provide a happy, healthy, safe and stimulating environment for your child, and through play we will encourage your child to develop his / her full potential. We will

provide the opportunity for your child to learn about different cultures, religions and diets, as we celebrate various festivals throughout the year. We will encourage your child to develop respectful relationships with other children and staff and to appreciate that everyone is special and unique. 

Book A Visit
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Your 2-year-old can get free childcare if you live in England and get any of the following benefits:

  • Income Support

  • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)

  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

  • Universal Credit and your household income is £15,400 a year or less after tax, not including benefit payments


Your eligibility depends on:

  • if you’re working (employed, self-employed, or both, 16hrs or more per week)

  • your income (and your partner’s income if you have one, not more that £100,000per year each income)

  • your child’s age and circumstances

  • your immigration status

You can get 30 hours free childcare at the same time as claiming Universal Credit, tax credits, childcare vouchers or Tax-Free Childcare.

Contact Us

Elaine Darbyshire

Nursery Manager

Clubmoor Nursery Ltd

Utting Avenue East

Norris Green


L11 1DQ

Call: 0151 233 8505

Thanks for submitting!

Opening times:

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 8-6pm
Thursday and Friday 8.30-4pm
We close early on the last day of each full term

We're open 38 weeks of the year

We're closed on all bank holidays.

Sessions available: 

Mon, Tues, Weds: 8am – 1pm

Mon, Tues, Weds: 1pm – 6pm

Thurs, Fri: 8.30am – 4.00pm

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0151 233 8505/8500

©2023 by Clubmoor Nursery. 

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